SHOWSTOPPER – ALAMEDA COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS– 2005 Valley Ave Gate 8, Pleasanton, CA 94566- MARCH 7-9
KAR – Sacramento Convention Center Complex – MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM – 1515 J Street – Sacramento, Ca 95814. MARCH 20-23
SPOTLIGHT – Chabot College – 25555 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, Ca 94545. -Performing Arts Theater. MARCH 28-20
ABSENCES – only 1 miss allowed per session. NO exceptions! Teams follow studio schedule.
“NO MISS” DATES – Dancers including crew MAY NOT miss:
- MARCH 1st, Spirit Day Rehearsal ( Saturday prior to first competition )
- MARCH 14-16.
This policy is not flexible. Missing theses rehearsals could result in dancer being blocked out of a dance(s) for the upcoming competition.
- 1 regular ballet class and 1 regular jazz class taken at JDA required to dance on jazz/contemporary/lyrical teams OR solos/duets/trios in this genre.
- Hip Hop Crew – 1 regular hip hop class at JDA required to dance on crew and qualify for hip hop 1, 2, 3 or 4 OR solos/duets/trios in this genre.
Minis Division – Ages 9-10 – Saturday Rehearsals 9:45-10:30am
Junior Division – Ages 11-12- Friday Rehearsals. 5:35- 6:20pm
Teen Division- Ages 13+
Saturdays between 10:30am – 4pm . Exact time indicated when team placement email sent out ( Typically 5 days after auditions)
Additional Teen Division Information:
- Parents need to communicate to their child the number of routines they will allow their child to be in. We require this number on day of audition. We cannot guarantee placement in the number requested or guarantee placement in any piece. We cannot take requests on specific length of rehearsal segments, routines or time. We will place students according to skill and their ability to fit well into selected pieces. Dancers age 12 WITH prior competition experience may audition for the teen division WITH DIRECTOR APPROVAL but they MUST also audition for Junior Division as well .
- Please be aware that if your child is on teen division teams their team may rehearse between the hours of 10:30am – 4pm. They may also have a break during the hours of 10:30 and 4pm if they are in more than 1 piece and may have to wait at studio or leave and come back for pieces they have been chosen for. The studio does have wifi available for use for homework and such.
- Students & parents need to be aware that if they request a certain amount of pieces and are placed in all or most all they may not drop any. It is all or none. If a student is placed in only 1 piece and drops because they do not like what they have been selected for, that student may not audition the following year. Resilience and commitment to achieving a higher level of dance are aspects JDA looks for in competition dancers. In addition it completely disrupts the final selection for pieces if a dancer drops.
ABSENCES – only 1 miss allowed per session. NO exceptions! Teams follow studio schedule.
MEDIA FEE – Please note that some competitions charge a media fee ( not optional ) per child or per siblings. Fees will be charged in spring session tuition. All photos and videos are available to families after competition is complete!
TUITION/REGISTRATION – Dancers need to register for fall AND spring season competition classes. This includes teams, solos, duets and trios.
VERY IMPORTANT! – ALL dancers MUST block off the competition weekends entirely for competition as the competition schedule is not posted until 7-10 days prior to the event. Solos/Duets and Trios may perform Friday afternoon or possibly even during the day on Friday . Groups typically perform Saturdays or Sundays but sometimes Friday after school!
COMPETITION HOTELS/RECOMMENDATIONS ( Please note that JDA has not stayed at all hotels listed. Please check reviews)
Sacramento – KAR